
Labrador Retriever - Young - Male
Adopted Medium Spayed/NeuteredUp-to-date with routine shotshousetrained


Huck is around 8 months old. He is a sweet dog that loves attention from his people and loves to play with other dogs. He is very lovable! He is very smart and learns commands very quickly. He loves to snuggle and loves to fetch tennis balls. He is good with children. He is the perfect dog for the family or person that wants a younger dog that is already house trained and doing well with all other commands.

Little Huck came to ALR from a shelter west of town. He is not quite a year old and around 60 pounds and was picked up as a stray. He was very shy at first but was lucky enough to find a wonderful foster home where they have nurtured him and help build his confidence. He is good in the house and great with the kids and dogs. He’s young so he will need someone who can commit to spend time with him. If you would like to adopt Huck, please go to to fill out an application.

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